Work begins by going over the student's homework packet or noting whether any quizzes or tests are coming up. If organization is an issue, then we may spend some time going through the backpack. I'll suggest what would be the most productive use of our time together, and we begin.
While giving the necessary academic support, whether with reading, writing, math, or any other subject, I keep careful tabs on whether a student also needs in-the-moment emotional support. If anxiety or frustration is starting to build, I ask the student to pause, and I help him or her to recognize those feelings and calm them. If there is restlessness or distraction, we'll break for a quick set of "bend and stretch" or a game of "Blink." These mindful, reparative pauses help children get to know their inner emotional and mental workings and learn that they can help themselves to move through intense reactions that block them. Then we're back to work. I aim to keep the sessions positive and productive so that every time, the student experiences success. Even small achievements are celebrated. That's how confidence and competence are built.
The session ends with a final ringing of the small bell.
Ultimately, these are my goals as a mindful instructor: I aim to help children gain confidence and find ways to enjoy learning! I also aim to improve their executive function skills (dealing with attention, initiation, frustration-management, planning, and organization), increase their higher order thinking abilities, become more self-aware about their attitudes and work processes, improve their ability to self-monitor their focus and understanding, and become stronger advocates for themselves.
Getting started with tutoring
If my mindful tutoring sounds like something you'd like to try with your child, these would be the next steps.
- Get in touch by email or phone. I will send you a brief questionnaire so that I can learn your child's age and grade, strengths and challenge areas, previous experiences with tutoring, and so on. I will also ask which afternoons or early evenings are available for your child. By reviewing your answers, I can begin to gauge whether I think my skills will he helpful to your child.
- Once we find a mutually convenient time for a session, I will come to your home to meet you and your child. This introductory session is free of charge. We'll take a look at the work area we would use, review materials that should be close at hand, and talk about what our goals would be for tutoring. We'll also enjoy a quick lesson in mindfulness with the bell. This is an important chance for us all to get a sense of whether we will work well together. If for any reason you or your child feel that we're not the best match for each other, I would understand completely.
- The following week, our sessions begin.
A few guidelines for a successful tutoring session
- I recommend that your child have a nutritious snack before the session. A protein-rich, whole-grain, low-sugar snack is best, such as a peanut butter sandwich on whole-grain bread, nut butter on crackers with apple slices, yogurt and half a bagel, cold cut rolls, or a banana and a glass of milk.
- Depending on the child, a brief period of physical activity before the session can help with focus. A period of play and relaxation between school and our tutoring session is always a good idea, when possible.
- We will focus on areas of difficulty. It can be helpful for a child to have begun his or her homework packet during the days or hours before our session. This way, your child will know where help is needed.
General Policies
- Payment is due weekly at the time of the session, or according to a plan we devise together. I accept payment in the form of cash, check, Venmo, and PayPal. Please contact me for more information about my fee schedule.
- If you must cancel a session, 36 hours notice is required in order to avoid being charged the fee. When 36 hours' notice is not given, I will try to reschedule our session for another day that week, but if we are unable to, the fee will still be charged.
"A calm mind is a mind that is ready to learn."
Please contact me at or 646-286-6758.
Please contact me at or 646-286-6758.
Let’s talk about how I can give your child — and your family — a fresh start with homework.